Our immune system is a protective barrier for the body against external elements (bacteria, viruses, pollutants, radiation…) and internal elements (diseases, cellular degeneration…). It is a set of elements and processes, biological and chemical, that allow us to maintain stability and internal balance. Recognise what is harmful and react to it.

These simple tips will help us protect and strengthen our immune system. These are always useful guidelines, especially during the winter months to avoid cold or flu symptoms, while warding off other illnesses.

1st Hygiene: the best way to keep viruses and bacteria away is hygiene. Remember to wash your hands frequently, and not just before eating.

2nd Vaccination: a vaccine is a preparation of biological products that “teaches” your body to defend itself when certain viruses or bacteria invade it, acting as a reinforcement for your immune system. The flu, covid, pneumococcus are the best known, but there are many more. Find out more at your health centre.

3rd Hydration: the World Health Organisation recommends drinking approximately 2 litres of water per day. This amount is enough to stay well hydrated and cover the body’s daily water needs. However, certain medical conditions require a different amount of water intake. Consult your doctor for a personalised recommendation.

4º Control stress: our immune system weakens under the pressure of serious stress. Experiencing brief episodes of stress is normal and even beneficial for your health, as long as it does not affect your sleep pattern, for example.

5º Eat well: vegetables, fruit, seafood, meat and dairy products contain essential vitamins and minerals that you should include in your daily diet to be able to fight against diseases.

A healthy and varied diet is the best thing for your immune system. In this regard, the Mediterranean diet is excellent for your health. In fact, it will be a topic that we will address in a future publication.

6º Take care of your intestine: when we talk about intestinal flora, we are referring to the billions of bacteria that inhabit the intestine and are involved in digestion.

The biggest threat to our flora is antibiotics. This is because they strip our gut of our good bacteria. Probiotics are known to increase the number of good bacteria in the body. So if you have to take antibiotics, compliment them with probiotic yogurt drinks, which are full of these little allies.

7º Maintain a healthy BMI (body mass index): being overweight or obese also affects our immune system. Obese people are more likely to suffer from infectious diseases than people of a healthy weight, and in some cases these diseases will be more serious.

Following healthy eating guidelines, accompanied by physical exercise appropriate for your age and physical condition. It is the only way to lose weight without endangering your health.

8º Sleep well: various studies indicate that people who sleep less than six hours a night or have fragmented sleep are more likely to suffer from certain diseases. Daily physical exercise done outside is recommended but not before retiring for the evening.  This can help us fall into a deep sleep.

9º Enjoy the sun: vitamin D helps keep our immune system under control. Of course, in the summer months ensure you are wearing appropriate protection from the sun (cap, long sleeves, umbrella, high factor sunscreen…). Avoid prolonged exposures.

10º Stay active: simple activities such as walking (at a brisk pace if possible), swimming, cycling, walking your dog or playing golf will make you sweat slightly, and eliminate toxins. A toxin-free body works much better.

Finally, a tip from home: optimism and laughter are also good ways to strengthen our immune systems and prevent illnesses.