We recently published the first of a series of articles about the IMAS (Murcian Institute of Social Action). In it we pointed out that one of the groups to which this organisation offers aid is to people dependent on others. The procedure to initiate a request for recognition of dependency is, in general terms, as follows.

Firstly, in order for the IMAS to determine if a person is in a situation of dependency, it needs to carry out a study or assessment of their health status. To do this, the applicant must provide up-to-date medical reports.

These reports, along with other data, such as the environment in which the applicant lives will determine whether that person should be considered dependent. In which case, you will be assigned one of the following levels or grades:

  1. Moderate dependence.
  2. Severe dependency.
  3. Great dependence.

Depending on the grade assigned, the dependent person will be offered certain services free of charge; such as telecare, home assistance, permanent residential or personal care, etc. Likewise, they may be entitled to periodic financial benefits.

An essential requirement in order to be able to obtain this aid is to have legally resided in Spain for at least 5 years, 2 of them immediately prior to the date of submission of the application. On that date, you must also be registered in the Autonomous Community of Murcia.

The resolution period by the IMAS is 6 months from the date of submission of the application. During that period of time, the social worker at your health centre or assigned to your area can provide you with information about the status of the application and other issues related to it. These professionals have access to all the files opened in the IMAS and are usually a real help.

As always, we are at your disposal if you need more information or help to start the application procedure.




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