We are at the beginning of the summer. In much of Spain that is synonymous with intense sun and heat. In those conditions, can you imagine a refreshing place that combines leisure, health benefits and also provides relaxation for the body and mind? Yes, such places exist! And perhaps closer than you think… Today we would like to present to you two of them: medical spas and thalassotherapy centres.

Medical Spas

These are establishments that have appropriate facilities to carry out treatments with mineral-medicinal waters that come from the earth, and that have a specialised team of medical and health experts. Its waters are rich in various mineral components and lend themselves to therapeutic use through baths, jets, inhalations, irrigations, ingestion, etc.

By carrying out specific treatments, and depending on the temperature of the water, medical spas manage to alleviate various health problems related to joints, rheumatism and recovery after trauma surgery, as well as other dermatological and respiratory problems. When the temperature of the water is high it increases oxygenation of the body, improves tissue nutrition, increases the body’s metabolism and stimulates sections of the digestive system. Sometimes, the alternation between hot water and cold water is used to create beneficial contrasts for the body.

The water found in medical spas and the spas themselves are very effective in eliminating anxiety and stress.  Given its notable properties, doctors and physiotherapists frequently prescribe the use of these waters to their patients. However, they are not suitable for everyone, if you are of a certain age or if you suffer from any kinds of health problems (tension, heart, etc.), it is recommended to previously consult your doctor and get approval.

Nearby, you can find the Archena and Leana medical spas (in Fortuna), which both have very good reputations, they both offer a wide variety of treatments, as well as other aesthetic treatments and massages. Leana also stands out for its thermal treatment indicated for diseases such as Parkinson’s and psoriasis.

If you go to the Mazarrón area, overlooking El Mojón beach you will find the ‘’Balneario Bahía Los Delfines’’. The peculiarity of its thermal pool is that it directly receives mineral-medicinal volcanic waters indicated to relieve muscle discomfort, improve certain skin problems and help combat respiratory system conditions.

Enjoying the benefits of these establishments is not something new. Thermal waters were first used in ancient Greece, although only by a few (the rich and elite). Later, the Romans were the ones who began to promote its public use for all citizens.


Like medical spas, they are focused on health treatments supervised by a medical team. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the water they use comes from the sea (the word thalasso is of Greek origin and means sea, hence thalassotherapy: treatment or healing through marine substances). In addition to seawater, these centres use other elements from the environment such as algae, sand, plankton or marine mud, previously purified.

The town of San Pedro del Pinatar, in the surroundings of its famous salt flats, has several thalassotherapy complexes that offer a wide variety of treatments. Also, La Manga del Mar Menor has one of these centres, all of them integrated into hotels.

Any of the above options can be a great choice to enjoy the benefits of water, cooling us off from a hot summer. Care, health and relaxation in the fresh air!
