After addressing the different forms of aid available for people with disabilities in our previous article, we indicate below what the procedure consists of.

The degree of disability is calculated based on different aspects. This must be recognised and certified by a Public Administration body, such as the IMAS in the case of the Region of Murcia. Thus, you will have the right to collect a pension or receive some financial aid.

Said body, after receiving the application, makes an assessment based on the applicant’s ability to perform the activities of daily living categorised into the following sections:

  • Self-care.
  • Communication.
  • Physical activities.
  • Functional activities.
  • Sleep monitoring.

According to the results obtained, a percentage of disability will be determined corresponding to a grade from 1 to 5 (grade 1: 0% – grade 2: from 1 to 24% – grade 3: from 25 to 49% – grade 4: from 50 to 49% 70% – grade 5: more than 75%)

The requirements to be able to start the application for recognition of the degree of disability are:

  • reside in Spain (nationality does not matter)
  • suffer from some type of physical, mental or sensory disability
  • be registered in the municipality of the autonomous community where it is requested.

The resolution period is 6 months. Only people with a recognised disability percentage equal to or greater than 33% will have access to the aid mentioned in our previous article.

Following on from this, it is advisable to request the card accrediting the degree of disability. This is very useful and works anywhere in Spain. It must always be presented accompanied by your DNI or NIE.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need us to help you submit your application.


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