As we indicated in the first of our articles dedicated to the Murcian Institute of Social Action (IMAS), this organisation grants financial aid on an annual basis to those over 65 years of age so that they can meet certain expenses related to health and their living environment.

For 2024 these are the amounts that the IMAS has established:

  • Repair of structural elements of your habitual residence such as roof or walls (up to €2,500).
  • Adaptation of your habitual residence in order to facilitate daily living activities, for example, changing a bathtub for a shower cubicle (up to €3,000).
  • Hearing aids, maximum 2 units (up to €3,000).
  • Oral treatment (up to €3,000 and does not include extractions).
  • Glasses, 1 unit (up to €500).
  • Contact lenses, maximum 2 units (up to €400).

To begin the application, in addition to being 65 years old, you must be registered in one of the municipalities of the Murcia region and be a beneficiary of the Spanish social security system.

It is important to know that these aids have a specific application period. The submission period is usually open for 30 days, normally in the first half of the year.

Finally, the IMAS assessment department will take into account the income of the family unit when granting or denying aid.

Contact us if you meet the requirements, and we will help you submit the necessary documentation.



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