In Spain, much of the management of education, health and justice etc… was transferred to the autonomous communities. This is also the case with social care services that help groups that require special care and/or assistance. In the case of the Region of Murcia, the Murcian Institute of Social Action (IMAS) was created. If you reside in an alternate autonomous community, we can inform you of the corresponding body that assumes these functions.

The IMAS provides social services and financial aid to people who make up the following groups:

  • Over 65 years old.
  • Dependants.
  • Disabled.
  • Mentally ill (chronically).
  • People in a situation or risk of social exclusion.
  • Other groups in need of social protection.

This organization is key for these vulnerable groups. Since its creation in 2006, its budget has been increasing, reaching 424 million euros in 2024.

Unfortunately, many of the people we assist are unaware of the existence of this entity as well as the aid they could access through it. Which is why, in the coming weeks we are going to publish several articles explaining the main lines of action of the IMAS.

Other people, even if they know about it, consider the aid application procedure and the procedures with the administration to be very complicated. Therefore, at Didier&co. we want to put our experience and other areas of public administration to good use and obtain for you the benefit or help to which you are entitled (such as obtaining a disabled parking badge or the recognition of your degree of disability, among others). To find out if you could be one of the possible beneficiaries, don’t miss our upcoming articles on IMAS.