Nuestro equipo

Didier y María

Somos Didier y María, un equipo profesional de traductores/intérpretes atentos, experimentados y amables.

Estamos aquí para guiarle en situaciones que le resulten dificultosas, resolviendo problemas y aliviando cualquier preocupación que pueda tener. Le acompañamos cuando y donde sea preciso.

Somos discretos, minuciosos y fiables.


Estamos ubicados en Cartagena (Murcia-España). Cubrimos principalmente la Región de Murcia y el sur de la provincia de Alicante.

Además, gracias a Internet y a las nuevas tecnologías, también ofrecemos asistencia a distancia en todo el mundo.

Podemos ayudarle en cualquier lugar en inglés, francés y español.


Razones por las que elegir DIDIER&co.

  • Le ayudamos en todo momento, hasta que la tarea esté terminada.

  • Nuestra amplia experiencia nos ha enseñado mucho, y usted puede aprovecharse de ello.

  • Somos amables y nos preocupamos por usted.

  • Le hacemos la vida más fácil y reducimos enormemente su nivel de estrés y ansiedad.

  • Somos entusiastas, nos gusta lo que hacemos y lo hacemos bien.

  • Nuestros precios son razonables y cobramos por horas/fracciones de hora.

  • En caso de emergencia, estamos disponibles 24 horas, 7 días a la semana.

  • Hemos recibido reseñas muy favorables de nuestros clientes.

  • Tenemos empatía, nos ponemos en su piel.

  • No rechazamos ningún encargo, ya sea pequeño, grande, difícil, inédito…

  • Somos un equipo, así que siempre habrá uno de nosotros disponible para atenderle.

  • Nos encantan los retos y, hasta la fecha, no hemos encontrado ninguno que no hayamos podido resolver.

  • Somos fiables. Numerosos clientes siguen utilizando nuestros servicios desde 2008.

  • No hay límite de tiempo, le acompañamos mientras nos necesite.

  • Registrados oficialmente desde 2008.

Personas atendidas
Citas médicas
Horas de asistencia
Nacionalidades atendidas
Puntuación de Google

Razones por las que elegir DIDIER&co.

  • Le ayudamos en todo momento, hasta que la tarea esté terminada.

  • Nuestra amplia experiencia nos ha enseñado mucho, y usted puede aprovecharse de ello.

  • Somos amables y nos preocupamos por usted.

  • Le hacemos la vida más fácil y reducimos enormemente su nivel de estrés y ansiedad.

  • Somos entusiastas, nos gusta lo que hacemos y lo hacemos bien.

  • Nuestros precios son razonables y cobramos por horas/fracciones de hora.

  • En caso de emergencia, estamos disponibles 24 horas, 7 días a la semana.

  • Hemos recibido reseñas muy favorables de nuestros clientes.

  • Tenemos empatía, nos ponemos en su piel.

  • No rechazamos ningún encargo, ya sea pequeño, grande, difícil, inédito…

  • Somos un equipo, así que siempre habrá uno de nosotros disponible para atenderle.

  • Nos encantan los retos y, hasta la fecha, no hemos encontrado ninguno que no hayamos podido resolver.

  • Somos fiables. Numerosos clientes siguen utilizando nuestros servicios desde 2008.

  • No hay límite de tiempo, le acompañamos mientras nos necesite.

  • Registrados oficialmente desde 2008.

Personas atendidas
Horas de asistencia
Puntuación de Google
Citas médicas
Nacionalidades atendidas


Jan Sim
Jan Sim
We have been clients of Didier now for over 10 years. We have a property in Spain and Didier has accompanied us to appointments with Local Authority staff to sort out various issues relating to non residence and other taxation matters. He also accompanied one of our dear friends to hospital appointments for several months. Didier also deals each year with our Non Resident Tax issues. It is so reassuring to have someone you trust implicitly who is honest, reliable, professional and who responds quickly to issues of concern which are out of your control, especially when you return to the UK. I highly recommend Didier to anyone who needs assistance navigating the Spanish system. Many thanks Didier.
Samantha Dadd
Samantha Dadd
I highly recommend Didier’s help and support translating for hospital appointments. He has always been punctual, knowledgable and reassuring. Didier made sure I understood what was happening and ensured that all my questions and queries were answered. In short, I could not have managed without his assistance. Thank you so much.
Isabelle Buratti
Isabelle Buratti
M. Boutte a fourni une excellente prestation avec beaucoup de professionnalisme et de rigueur. Je recommande vivement ses services.
Marc Elmes
Marc Elmes
All I can say is if you are having troubles of any kind this is the guy you want in my experience he was super helpful very knowledgeable and would go out of his way to help he was available 24 hours a day and was always honest and responded promptly He helped me and my family throughout some very hard times his communication skills and sensitivity to the situation were impeccable he had a good knowledge of the hospital and how things worked I would highly recommend anybody who needs help to hire Didier Can t wait to meet up again for a beer 🍻
Carla Abreu
Carla Abreu
Didier is very professional . We had a very difficult and sad situation which Didier was always available to help us with. As a family I am not sure we would have coped without his professional help and advice. Didier was always there for us as a family. I could not recommend Didier enough. Thank you Didier!
Charles Hewer
Charles Hewer
We recently used Didier’s services for medical assistance. Without him our lives would of been more stressful. His continual help and assistance is priceless. We have found an ally who we can trust to be there when we need him.
Didier is an excellent interpreter who I have used for a few years. He is very professional, helpful and reassuring when it comes to my hospital visits. He arrives on time for my appointments and will clarify with me and my consultant if I have any questions or queries. He will make sure that I am happy and understand what the consultant is explaining to me during my visit, even if the consultant speak English I find there is always something that the consultant do not "know the English word" Didier will know what it is and translates it for me and makes sure I understand. I find that where Didier is really helpful is I give the hospital his telephone number so if as does happen occasionally they will change my appointment he will contact me to make sure I can make that revised appointment and he will arrange everything and keep me "in the loop". Also a few days before my appointment he will contact me by email or WhatsApp with the full details of my appointment including what I need to bring with me like medication, medical documents ID and medical card etc that I may need to show. All in all I have nothing but praise for Didier and he gives me the confidence that my health in Spain (with their excellent health service) is being looked after. I would not hesitate to recommend him to anyone who is looking for a professional and supportive interpreter. Thank you Didier.
Janet Wilce
Janet Wilce
Didier's services were recommended to me seven years ago when we as a family moved to Los Nietos. His knowledge of Spanish and the Spanish way of doing things, as well as his easy, pleasant personality made registering with the doctor and becoming residents very straightforward indeed. He has since helped me out on many occasions with appointments at the Social Security office, and more recently with hospital and doctor's appointments. Put simply, I would not be capable of dealing with these things without Didier. I don't hesitate to recommend him.
diane blakey
diane blakey
Didier may not be the least expensive interpreter that you can find but he is certainly the best. He is the most professional, conscientious, dependable and hard working interpreter you could meet, his enthusiasm knows no bounds. We have used Didier’s services for eleven years for health and general advice and will continue to do so. He has always been responsive to our needs, and guided us in the best way possible. He has made himself available to us at the most unsociable times to accommodate our needs. Harry and I are reassured by the help and guidance we have received.


Por un coste asequible podemos asistirle en caso de un ingreso en urgencias, lograr ayudas a domicilio, regularizar su situación administrativa, hacer legalizar una escritura para poder vender su casa, conseguir descuentos en multas… entre muchas otras cosas. Tantas ocasiones donde nos encargarnos de todo, y unos pocos euros habrán sido particularmente rentables y bien aprovechados.

Nuestras tarifas son razonables. Los servicios se cobran por hora y fracciones de hora. Disponemos de una tarifa para los días laborables (entre las 8 h y las 19 h); y otra, para horario nocturno, fines de semana y días festivos. Si la prestación del servicio conlleva gastos de desplazamiento, parking, etc., se cobran aparte.

Disponibles 24 horas al día, 365 días al año.


For a small fee we can assist you in the event that you are admitted via A&E, we can get you the in-home help you require, help get your paperwork in order, have a deed legalised to be able to sell your house or even get discounts on fines… among many other things. There are so many occasions where we take care of everything and a few euros spent on our service will have been particularly profitable and well used.

Our tariffs are reasonable and the services we offer are charged on an hourly basis/part hourly. There is a fixed tariff for working days (between 8am and 7pm) and another for evenings, weekends and bank holidays. If the provided service carries additional costs such as travel expenses, parking, etc…, these expenses will be charged as well.

Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


Si no dispone de un número de teléfono español, por favor, díganos si le podemos llamar por WhatsApp, Messenger, Skype o cualquier otro método utilizando internet.


Responsable: DIDIER BOUTTE
Finalidad: Gestionar las consultas planteadas a través del formulario de contacto.
Legitimación: Interés legítimo del Responsable y consentimiento del interesado.
Destinatarios: Los datos serán cedidos por obligación legal, autorización expresa del interesado o para prestar un servicio, tal y como se explica en la información adicional.
Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, según se explica en la información adicional.

Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre Protección de Datos, recogida en nuestra política de privacidad, en el siguiente enlace.